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                NEWS CENTER



                为了规范本公司行政用章管理,统一合同印章,我公司决◣定将原有的合同印章内容及外形进□ 行变更,从即日◆起新合同印章启用,原合同印章同时废止,因模样如∴下:
                In order to standardize the administrative seal management of our company and unify the contract seal, our company has decided to change the content and appearance of the original contract seal. From now on, the new contract seal will be put into use, and the original contract seal will be abolished at the same time. The appearance is as follows:
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                市政府关怀重点骨∑ 干企业复工复产--湖北华信机械发展有限公司


                  On March 16th, Zhang Aiguo, Secretary of the Jingmen Municipal Party Committee, and his delegation visited Jingshan to conduct research and inspect and supervise the resumption of work and production of enterprises, as well as the prevention and control of the epidemic. Accompanied by Comrade Liu Qihua, Secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee, and others, the first stop was Hubei Huaxin Machinery Development Co., Ltd.
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                致客户书|沉淀此刻,蓄力美好 ——湖北华信机械发展有限公司


                The Spring Festival in 2020, a sudden COVID-19, made the beginning of this year unusual. This epidemic has made Huaxin, who is located in Hubei, feel the strong strength of our fellow countrymen in the same boat, the unity of our city, and the infinite glory of the prosperity of our motherland and the great love of humanity!
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                Hello! Thank you very much for your long-term trust and support in Hubei Huaxin! On this Chinese New Year holiday, please accept the sincere greetings and blessings from Hubei Huaxin. Wishing you and your family a healthy New Year!
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                Hubei Huaxin Machinery Development Co., Ltd. is a private joint-stock enterprise mainly engaged in the production of power station boilers and industrial boiler auxiliaries. We specialize in the design, development, production, manufacturing, and maintenance services of various boiler soot blowers, slag coolers, valve piping systems, industrial control systems, and other auxiliary equipment.
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